Why isn't "Connect to Signalling Server Working" for me?

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From the Asset Store
The official Scirra Multiplayer Signalling Server for helping peers find and connect to each other
  • Hello, I've been debating over putting this question on the forum for a while now because it feels like I'm missing something simple to fix, but no matter how long I look, I can't find anything.

    In my code it says:

    On start of layout:

    (Setting variables and positions of objects)

    Connect to signalling server "wss://multiplayer.scirra.com"

    Set Text to "Connecting, please wait..."

    Wait 10 seconds

    If not connected:

    "Not connected. Trying again, please wait..."

    Wait 10 seconds

    and that cycle continues, but every time I run the program it will never connect, and I have no clue why not. Does anyone know why that might be? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • You're probably using the wait action wrong.

    Do you have an "On signalling connected" trigger event to catch the successful connection?

    It would be useful if you showed your actual events.

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  • I found the issue. It was because I was using a school computer to try to connect to the signalling server. I didn't realize this was something schools could block, but now that I do know, everything makes more sense. Thank you for trying to help me out though! I do appreciate it.

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