Why if event have Every x seconds condition, do not check variable updates?

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  • So I need my pistol to fire few shots every x seconds, but with a delay, not all at once. If I put to conditions something other than pick nearest anamy and every 0.3 seconds - it will not work anymore.

    It will work if all conditions will be met from start, but it will not check for updates. And sub events does not matter, as I tried to do in one event.

    And this will not work also

    UPD. I feel so confused now and stupid. Could it be that I encountered a bug, because this works perfectly, but I do not enjoy this method.

    For some reason "every X event can not detect changes in local variables, later I tried to use global variables and it was even more messy because event was working does not matter it meets requierments or not, But same event detects if my GoStupid object is on screen and working correctly.

    UPD UPD. Compare two values works! Evaluate expression, compare variable dont

    r335 beta, Firefox, Win10

  • From what I can tell you want the variable to retain its value or be used elsewhere after the event, that's not going to work with a local variable unless you set it to static.

  • Not the case. I do not need to use this variable after

  • Well it's not for us to guess really

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  • Ok. It looks like I misunderstood how local variables work. Problem solved.

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