Why is my array not loading properly?

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  • Hello! I'm completely new to all of this but I've been surviving so far on forum posts, tutorials, and ChatGPT. I'm making a platformer trivia game, and for the life of me, I can't get my array json file with the questions to load properly. I've been following various help topics, but nothing works so far. When I go to debug it, it doesn't show my questions in the array (however my questions do appear in the AJAX portion?)Here's what I have right now:

    Is there a limit to how much data can be in the array? I have way more than the 10-20 questions that seem to be used in all the examples I've found. Or maybe I just have to go further and start putting the Array.At stuff in first? I just figured the data should show up in the debug layout feature after putting in those first events to load the array.

    I'm probably just missing something super obvious and I'm going to feel like a total idiot when I learn how to do it, but after trying so many different things, I just have no idea how to get it to work.

  • It's because you've put AJAX.lastdata in quotation marks which makes it a string instead of an expression, remove the ""

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  • That worked! Thank you so much! I knew it had to be something silly...

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