How do I vault over objects in top down game?

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  • Hey everyone,

    I have a top down game and I have obstacles that I would like to vault over. How do you go about doing that?

    There are barricades in the game that the player creates. Now what I want to do is have the player be able to vault over them.

    Here is what I tried to do:

    1- Create the barricade object.

    2- Create a hidden object called "Vaultable Object"

    3- When player steps on Vaultable Object and presses Space, I stop its controls and tween from Vaultable Object on the left of the barricade to the right of the barricade.

    This works perfectly if there is one barricade only. It doesn't work well with two barricades or more as the picked instance is always the first one created. Moreover, this works along the width of the barricade and not the length, I would like the player to be able to do vault in both direction.

    Here are the events I am using:

    And while at it, quick question, is there a way to have the player jump in a top down game in C3? Maybe that is a better approach so the player can jump any time they want rather it being context based?


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  • You can make a vault left sprite and a vault right sprite .

    Is overlapping sprite left tween to position left - x pixels and the right reversed.

    You can do a check overlap at offset enemy to do a damage vault like in gow or don’t let the player vault.

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