Updating game without causing errors

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7 Errors
$15 USD
7 Errors is a game where you have to find the 7 mistakes before time runs out. Can you find all 7? Have fun looking.
  • Hi everyone! I'm helping my brother set up his website to host a game he built with Construct. One problem we have is that when he updates his game, it takes a few minutes to upload all the files, so if anyone is playing the game or refreshes the page in the middle of the update, it might cause errors for the players. What is a good way to solve or prevent this issue?

    Is there a way to "shut down" the website for a few minutes while the update takes place? Or perhaps a different, better solution?

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  • If it's your site can you just continue to point to the old game until you decide the update is ready. Then point to the new game.

  • Large commercial games also use scheduled maintenance to deal with these kinds of issues.

    You probably don't have to worry about it though. Games are (down)loaded into local memory when running, so updating the live files won't affect anyone already playing. Unless you have dynamic content.

  • If it's your site can you just continue to point to the old game until you decide the update is ready. Then point to the new game.

    winstreak How do I do that? Right now I just have everything uploaded to the root folder of my website, and index.html is where the game is played.

  • Just have 2 of your game at the root folder then. One for the current one for the updated. When you upload a new version you will upload it to whatever one is not live - Once that version is ready you go to your website editor and set the newly updated to the game the website is playing. Next time a user refreshes or logs in they should get the new version but no be able to get there mid upload anymore.

    Keep the old version - until you have the next update - this is where you will update the new patch. You will just switch back and forth. Additionally, this will give you -as the dev - the ability to go back to the last patch if you put out a game breaking bug.

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