How do I update value of localStorage?

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  • I just try the simplest thing change the value of my attack and attack speed but it just dont work even I recreated them. Is this a bug?

    first I create value of atk & aspd with 10 then I change to 2 but when debuging layout its still show 10


  • We can't see the important events such as when you are calling the function and where else you are changing the dictionary, the screenshot doesn't show much.

  • We can't see the important events such as when you are calling the function and where else you are changing the dictionary, the screenshot doesn't show much.

    this is all I have

    just want to change the value from 10 to 2 as default. I don't have any value to store.

    like attack speed I filled it 10 before but it's too fast so I change key value to 2 but its still 10 when debugging

    and, can I add or subtract the value of dictionary?


  • Because the data already exists it won't load those default values. If you really want to overwrite them for testing purposes just alter your events for a moment to call DataDefault on item exists. Or you could use 'Clear' to get rid of the old key data.

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  • Because the data already exists it won't load those default values. If you really want to overwrite them for testing purposes just alter your events for a moment to call DataDefault on item exists. Or you could use 'Clear' to get rid of the old key data.

    OK its work. so I just added "when space pressed, clear storage/key" and rerun the layout.

    thanks again

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