Before I go and post this as a potential bug, I wanted to ask if anyone else has noticed the inability to add the Tween behavior to a Family of sprites.
Initially, the individual sprites, themselves, had the Tween behavior. I know that you can add the same behavior to the Family and it'll be something like "Behavior2" because of the existing Behavior to the objects that make up the Family.
But after adding these objects to their Family, I found that the Tween behavior wasn't in the list of options for the Family, itself. All other applicable behaviors were, however.
I tried removing the Tween behavior from the individual objects of the Family, deleting this Family and then creating an entirely new Family with the same sprites I'm working with. Even with the Tween behavior not existing in the sprites with this new Family, I still could not add the Tween behavior to the Family, itself.
Am I missing something or are others experiencing the same thing?