How do I make two solids collide?

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  • I wanted to make a "get over it" game but my pickaxe won't collide with the floor I tried changing them both to solids but it didn't help. please someone help me.

  • just saying the pickaxe is attached to the character with a pin behaviour I just want to push the player by hitting the floor with the pickaxe.

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  • I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, and what a "get over it" game is. But, I'll do my best.

    Setup an Event that checks for the Pickaxe Object colliding with the Floor Object for it's conditions. Then in the Actions for that Event, have a MoveTo or Tween Behavior move the Pickaxe Object in the direction you would like it to move.

    If the Pickaxe Object is pinned, and the Character Object is following it's X and Y axis(ticking off those boxes in the Pin Behavior Properties). It should move the Pickaxe as well as the Character in the direction you choose.

  • search up scratch (the coding website) and search up get over it it will show you the game and give you more idea of what i am talking about because (no offence) i don't really get what you told me to do

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