trouble using crt filter effect

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  • hi ive been developing this game in construct for a while now but i keep on running into problems when trying to do a retro CRT filter look

    im using a filter called 'lottes CRT'

    all the events for setting up shader effects and screen resolution modes are very complex, but i had them mostly working until i just tested my game on a new 3440x1440 monitor.

    the lottes CRT filter seems to miss certain horizontal lines entirely when rendering. attached is an example image of the title screens text option

    if anyone has any experience resolving these kinds of problems id be extremely grateful for any help!

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  • That looks like scanlines. Isn't that exactly what you expect from a CRT-Shader?

  • hey thanks for replying.

    sorry i should have explained a bit better.

    the issue is its glitching and causing certain rows of pixels not be rendered.

    attached is an example of when it glitches and a comparison of when it works as intended

    so yes i want scanlines and a CRT looking effect to the screen, but i cant have certain rows of pixels not rendering

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