I transferred my game from C2 to C3 and I only see a blank screen when execute.

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  • Hi all,

    I have finished making a game in construct2 and now I have purchased the C3 license because I thought it might give me some performance improvement, but unfortunately I can't see the game running on this one as I have a blank screen in the game area.

    Comparing the version of C2 for desktop with the one for the web (which I did not know existed): The audio delay time is longer, the work zones are modified and the sources that I put do not work, but I suppose they are adaptation details; However, what worries me the most is the fact that I don't see the game working in Construct 3.

    Of course, any advice will come in handy, because although I have read a lot these days, I have not been able to find a solution.

    I tested it with Edge, Chrome and OperaGX browsers and all is the same, F5 and white area.

    Personally I like to see directly how it will look in NW since being a computer application it is more convenient for me to know directly how it will turn out.

    I already appreciate any recommendation.



    Hola a todos,

    Terminé de hacer un juego en construct2 y ahora compré la licencia C3 porque pensé que podría mejorar el rendimiento, pero desafortunadamente no puedo ver el juego ejecutándose en este porque tengo una pantalla en blanco en el área del juego. .

    Por otro lado, comparando la versión de C2 para escritorio con la de la web (que no sabía que existía): El tiempo de retardo de audio es mayor, las zonas de trabajo se modifican y las fuentes que pongo no funcionan, pero Supongo que son detalles de adaptación; Sin embargo, lo que más me preocupa es el hecho de que no veo que el juego funcione en Construct 3.

    Por supuesto, cualquier consejo me vendrá bien, porque aunque he leído mucho estos días, no he podido encontrar una solución.

    Lo probé con los navegadores Edge, Chrome y OperaGX y todo es igual, F5 y área blanca.

    Personalmente me gusta ver directamente cómo se verá en NW ya que al ser una aplicación informática es mejor para mí saber directamente cómo se verá.

    Desde ya agradezco cualquier recomendación.


  • It should work - C3 is very highly compatible with C2. The only known differences are documented in Importing C2 projects.

    Other than that it's difficult to help further unless you share your project file.

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  • Hello Ashley.

    Thought it could be easily fixed with some configuration change.

    As the game is long, I am going to divide it into parts until I see what happens. If I can't find it, I guess I'll ask for more help.

    Thank you.

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