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From the Asset Store
Tabata timer
$9.99 USD
Template for Tabata timer, fully documented in comments and video
  • Hallo !

    How do I get a timer in a highscore.

    I am making a runner game and I have a timer going.

    I would like to have time in the score and the highscore when the player dies.

    Is their anyone that can help me with the Event sheet to this.

    The game and the highscore is in differant layout.

    Best Regards



  • Are you using timer behaviour and do you mean you want the time to be the score? At the end of the game you can set a global variable number (the score) to timer.currenttime.

  • yes I am trying to use time behavior, and I want the time to be the score and se the time when the player is running.

    What do you mean with this...At the end of the game you can set a global variable number (the score) to timer.currenttime.

  • To see the timer when player is running you can set a text object's text to ""&timer.currenttime. This will display the current time. When the game ends, whatever logic you have for that probably player death, you would set a global variable to timer.currenttime on player death. This would be the time the game ended and the score.

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  • Could you help me more exactly what to write in the Event Sheet, I am a newbie so I would appraciate, Thank You.

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