Is timeline audio sync possible in Construct?

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  • I am not a paid user yet so I can't really test this out properly. I was wondering if timelines with audio tracks on them can reliably keep audio in sync with events and animations? On the same note, will segments of audio/music stay in sync with each other for the purpose of vertical dynamic music?


  • Hello,

    If your idea is to use songs in timelines, yes. Just add an audio track to your timeline and you can sync it with other animations on the same timeline.


  • So there doesn't tend to be any drift or sync issues? I am surprised because other engines tend to struggle with that and have pricey assets to help with the issue.

  • It would be necessary to understand the concept of your game or animation that you intend to make to get a sense of what problem you would face. Timelines can play music and sounds, just add them to a keyframe.

    If fitting music and sound to the timeline will play in sync, if your idea is to sync the sounds with the music played in the timeline, something more advanced is needed to solve this problem.


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  • I have heard from people that the ability to play audio from a timeline is reasonably in sync, but I don't know exactly how the feature is being used.

    Truth is that relying on the timeline play head and the audio that is playing to be in sync is not adviced, if you are looking for high accuracy that is. This is because the timeline basically just acts as a trigger to start playing a sound, after that the audio and the timeline continue doing their own thing separately and parity is not guaranteed.

    The audio tracks serve more as a visual aid to better control when audio will be triggered and as a general guidance on to how long the audio will be playing for, relative to the total timeline time.

    Having said that, you can run your own small tests with the feature and see if it will work for you.

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