How do I TEST on the Steam Deck?

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  • So I've gone through the forum, and obviously the problem with Steam Deck-related topics is that everything changes so fast per version (of both C3 and the Deck firmware, and Proton, I assume) so it's hard to tell what will and won't 'work' as of now. So I was wondering if there's anyone who's currently developing something they are trying to test actively on the Deck, and if there's a reliable workflow for doing that?

    I've tried Windows exports in nw.js, adding as non-steam game, then running through Proton and that won't work. I've tried native Linux exports and that won't work either. Game runs fine (200+fps even) on Windows 10.

    I understand if this isn't possible until I've got to a release candidate and I'll have to bite the bullet and 'hope', but I wanted to check in to see if it was possible.

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  • I've tried Windows exports in nw.js, adding as non-steam game, then running through Proton and that won't work. I've tried native Linux exports and that won't work either.

    Both options work for me.

    Linux export doesn't require Proton in Compatibility settings. You can even run it from Desktop mode.

    Try exporting with older NWjs versions, for example 72 or 75. Also I've seen in some other thread that requesting full-screen with Browser plugin on start of the game may help.

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