Stumped on how to create this mechanic?

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  • Hi Fellow Game Devs,

    I am working on a mechanic but its not working as I want.

    I am asking the user to provide voice input, capturing that in a text box, validating its correct and then want to increment the score and move onto the next word.

    I have been able to successfully do everything except increment the score.

    When I validate if the voice input in the text box is correct, I'm comparing its value like

    System | input.text = Dictionary....

    and that works correctly but since its doing this every tick, the Score just runs up non stop. I tried to use a boolean to check whether the input is correct and if its been incremented as well but it will work once but not again.

    How can I solve this issue? I feel like being able to just check once versus every tick could be the key but not sure how to do this with construct.

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  • You can try adding the "On changed" condition for the textbox.

    If you don't need to continue showing the text after validation, just clear the textbox.

  • You can try adding the "On changed" condition for the textbox.

    If you don't need to continue showing the text after validation, just clear the textbox.

    Thank you for the response. I could not actually find the "On changed" condition but I know I have seen it... how do I get to that condition?

    I was able to solve it by after checking if the answer was "Correct", I would generate a new number, set my boolean tracker to true, clear the text box and show a new number.

    I would use a separate conditional to Show the score, add 1 to it and then set the boolean to false and its working :)

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