How do I store user certificate and use private key to sign data?

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  • I've been searching documentation, tutorials and forum but still can't find how to do this. If anyone has any idea, please shine some light my way :)

    I need to store a CA issued certificate for each app user. If possible it would store to local storage and an SQL DB for a backup. This would be a one time event for each user.

    Then I need the private key of that cert to sign user created data. This would be done whenever new data is created.

    I haven't the foggiest how to do this with C3.

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  • The certificate is probably in a form of text string, so you can simply store it in Local Storage. There are plenty of examples and tutorials.

    But to sign any data you will need a script or addon. As far as I know, the official plugin doesn't support PKI cryptography, so you will need some third party solution.

  • The certificate is probably in a form of text string, so you can simply store it in Local Storage. There are plenty of examples and tutorials.

    The certificate is a .p12 file. I went through many tutorial about Local Storage but I still don't see how to turn the certificate in something that I would be able to store. I'm missing something but I don't understand what it is.

    But to sign any data you will need a script or addon. As far as I know, the official plugin doesn't support PKI cryptography, so you will need some third party solution.

    Can anyone recommend a good solution?

  • It's possible to store binary files in Local Storage too.

    I don't have a solution, you need to do some research, maybe hire an experienced programmer.

    Here is a link I found which may be useful:

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