How do I stop a sprite with Platform behavior in mid-air?

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  • Trying to make my player stop in mid-air if a button is clicked.

    * Disabling the Platform behavior doesn't do it.

    * Setting gravity to 0 doesn't do it.

    * Enabling Solid behavior doesn't do it.

    * Setting his y to Self.Y in addition to all the other things doesn't do it.

    I'm sure that these actions are triggered because if I toggle them to 'disabled' it behaves differently.

    But the player keeps having the impulse that it had even with all these. It flies up if I was on the way up, or falls down slowly if I was on the way down.

    How do I stop it completely?

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  • I solved it by mistake somehow :)

    I think I was taking it in and out of the state every frame.

    Will try to post an example project next time I ask.


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