How do I stop SPACE from scrolling down?

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Classic style beat'em up template. Punch & Kick foes across the screen.
  • Hello,

    I have a typing game and I used a "Text" object to display what the user is typing.

    I hardcoded all the letters, numbers, and special buttons like Backspace, Shift, Space, Enter - that's because when you hit one of those an effect will occur.

    The problem is that when I export the game and I upload it to a site when the user hits SPACE, the browser will scroll down.

    How can I solve this problem?

    Thank you! :)

  • Full screen?

  • Full screen?

    Unfortunately, this is not a solution because the game will be published on different platforms via iframe. So, the game will be played in 960x540 (for example) 90% of the time.

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  • Try running the following script on start of your first layout:

    window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
     if ([' '].includes(event.key)) {
  • Try running the following script on start of your first layout:

    window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
    if ([' '].includes(event.key)) {

    I'm out of the city for the moment, but I will get to it in 1-2 days. I will come back with updates. Thank you for the suggestion!

  • Try running the following script on start of your first layout:

    window.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
    if ([' '].includes(event.key)) {

    dop2000, it seems that your code is working! :)

    Thank you very much for your help!

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