How do I stop angle change on created with out having a object already in the enviroment?

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This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • I am trying to copy the template "demonoire" for item drops and in the template I can not find anything that sets the angle of the items dropped from monsters or anything of the objects dragged in any of the layouts to check off allow angle change to no

    these objects use 8 direction movement and this is the only events I find about movement. So how do they do this cause as of now I had to drag my gems off to the side of the layout and check the box to no for changing angle and I once I have 100 different types of drops this will be impossible to drag all on the side every layout

    am I just missing events somewhere?

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  • The gems are preloaded in a layout called ObjectBank. There, you will see the 8-direction behavior's settings.

  • omg thank you I was looking for hours and I didnt even notice them sitting their and then to answer my question I guess you only need to drag them into one layout then

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