How do I get my sprites to not be invisible when cloned then pinned?

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From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • When I run the project, the cloned bananas become invisible when spawned.

    this is the code

    basically when you hit a blue block, it is supposed to spawn a banana at the correct car, but when it does that, it just becomes invis.

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  • It wouldn't go invisible unless you told it to or unless you have the banana present in the layout already and it's invisible, because Construct sometimes takes stats from the first existing instance of an object.

  • It wouldn't go invisible unless you told it to or unless you have the banana present in the layout already and it's invisible, because Construct sometimes takes stats from the first existing instance of an object.

    Both of these are true to the project and it won't work.

  • Not sure what you mean there, I guess you mean those things I mentioned are not true? Also I noticed you are spawning the banana on the bottom layer 0 so maybe it's underneath everything and so hidden?

  • Not sure what you mean there, I guess you mean those things I mentioned are not true? Also I noticed you are spawning the banana on the bottom layer 0 so maybe it's underneath everything and so hidden?

    THANK YOU!!! It worked!

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