Sound issues in browsers

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  • So I saw a similar description in this thread:

    but I am not sure if this is actually my problem because its already 6 years old.

    We are making a game that is played in the browser.

    When I start it on my pc in firefox, I don't hear sound or music until I click for the first time.

    When I start it on my pc in chrome, the sound is even blocked by the browser and I have to actively remove the blocked sound.

    When I or my husband start the game on our android phones (firefox or chrome), we don't encounter this problem, the sound always plays right on start of the game.

    We heard from testers that they had sound issues too, a lot of them playing on iOs on I presume Safari.

    Is there anything we can do? Around the "you have to click first" issue we could do a workaround, but getting blocked on Chrome? The users think its a bug on our end and are angry.

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  • Hello there.

    I have numerous Construct 3 games playable on the browser, and they ALL have the same issue: Playing on Chrome mobile Web browser.

    If I play my games from the mobile Firefox app, the audio starts playing normally after the player clicks the "Click here to fix the audio" button.

    However, when I play the same games on the Chrome mobile app (latest version), the audio is messed up. After some research, I found out that Chrome has issues (or not) with "Preload audio" which prevents the audio from preloading on load and must be downloaded every time they have to play (UX impacted).

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