[SOLVED] How can I resize a 10x10 image from the drawing canvas into a 320x320 image?

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  • Basically as the title says im trying to resize the image by 32x. The resulting image is to be loaded into a tilemap. Essentially each pixel on the drawing canvas should be mapped to a 32x32 tile in the tilemap. Currently i have one drawing canvas that has its resolution set to 10x10, and is scaled to 320x320 in the layout, so that each pixel ends up being 32x32 in game. I then paste that drawing canvas onto a second drawing canvas with its resolution set to 320x320. My idea was to use this method to upscale the image and then save and load the second drawing canvas image into the tilemap. Is there a way to do this? Or maybe just a better/more efficient way? Ive seen others use the DrawingCanvas.PixelScale to fix scaling issues but I cant seem to figure out how to use it for this.

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