[SOLVED] Any pitfalls when using the Tween Action "Pause"?

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  • I wanted some kind of Time Trial feature in my game and so after beating a boss, the in-game timer should pause for a bit, letting the player breathe as the game congratulates them and all that...

    Take a look at this function and trigger:

    Nothing wrong, right?

    Now, I eventually realised I simply should have used the actual Timer behavior... but before making changes, I'd like to understand this in case I ever do need it later. You see, the Pause just doesn't happen for some reason (but the deactivated Stop would, so the Function does pick the right object) and I don't get why.

    Does it conflict with the trigger below, given the short period?

    Does it just not work with the Value type of Tweening?

    Is there something to watch out for someone might not think of immediately? Like, a beginner's trap?

    Thanks in advance and sorry if it's a bizarre question... or super obvious and I'm being an idiot.


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  • I made a quick test and Pause action does work with value tween.

    I don't understand your screenshots - why are you restarting the tween for 0.01s when it finishes? And when do you pause it?

    It's possible that when the tween duration is less than a tick (which is 0.016s at 60 fps), then it can't be paused.

  • I don't understand your screenshots - why are you restarting the tween for 0.01s when it finishes? And when do you pause it?

    It's possible that when the tween duration is less than a tick (which is 0.016s at 60 fps), then it can't be paused.

    Looping a Tween doesn't seem to trigger the corresponding... uh... Trigger, unlike the Timer behavior, though, like you said, it may be due to the very short duration.

    And after testing, for the Pausing, you were right. At 0.5, it works, also at 0.05 all the way to 0.03. 0.02 and below, nope.

    I imagine it should all be solved once I use the Timer Behavior as I should have from beginning, but at least now I know why it wasn't working and what to avoid if I ever do need that over Timer.

    Thank you for nudging me in the right direction ;)

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