How do I make this smoke effect with particles

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From the Asset Store
Particles support animations, collisions, effects and etc.
  • In various games like archvale and tiny rogues, when enemies die or a level is cleared they create an explosion of smoke particles. How would i do that using construct, I have tried to use the particles and played with the setting but it’s not looking right. It should kind of be one cloud or smoke with tiny circles that move at random angles before disappearing. I will be using this effect when i spawn a new character on the map or destroy something. See pics below. I appreciate any help and if you can please post capx or show a screenshot

  • What exactly doesn't work? Try these settings:

    Spray cone=360

    Type=One shot


    Speed randomizer=100

    Grow rate= 50

    X/Y randomizer=20

    Acceleration= -100

    Destroy mode=fade


  • These settings do not provide the effect I'm looking for. It looks like a bunch of circles moving outwards. I'm looking for one big dust particle that moves outwards and shrinks.

    So how can I make the particles start closer together so it looks like one cloud.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just experiment with settings. Increase particle size, grow rate, reduce X/Y randomization etc.

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