How do I set variablea ccording to variables?

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  • It sounds strange, like a Russian doll, but it really needs this feature.

    E.g. I have several similar variables:

    variables 1 = 0 variables 2 = 0 variables 3 = 0 variables 4 = 0 .... variables N = 0

    They all have similar patterns, maybe the pattern behind is not exactly a number or a certain word combination.

    If use the event to modify the variables like make all variables +1 or -1, it seems that there is no way to pass parameters through a Function. I have to Set Value one by one. There are as many variables as I need to operate.

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  • I suggest you use a dictionary instead of variables. With dictionary you can address each key by name, for example "Key"&number, loop through all keys, delete/add etc. It gives you a lot more flexibility.

  • I suggest you use a dictionary instead of variables. With dictionary you can address each key by name, for example "Key"&number, loop through all keys, delete/add etc. It gives you a lot more flexibility.

    Thanks! Then I tried using a dictionary to store my variables. It works well!

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