How do I set an object to be unlocked in-game?

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  • Hey Construct world!

    Looking for tutorials or guides to setup objects that have to be "bought" in game. I've searched as much as I could and didn't find anything that I could use.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • in the demonoire demo you can buy better equipment for your character, what kind of unlocks are you looking for ?

  • You'll need to spend a bit of time learning arrays and how to save/load the data with local storage. There's also more simple methods such as setting a price for an item (sprite) and unlocking if player has x amount of coins.

    On Touched (Unlock Sprite)

    Coins => 10,000

    - Unlock whatever.

    The problem with this method is you'll need multiple global events to save the data, whereas if you use an array, you can store all the data in the array to one variable.

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  • Thank you both for your replies and suggestions. I'm an old tech guy and after reviewing a game like Demonorie and studying the tutorials, I realized I am trying to run before finding my legs. Best to study more of the Construct world, get a better feel before getting more frustrated and filling up the forum with silly questions.

    I appreciate everyone's kindness and time.

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