At end of round set global var 'Winner' to C or L
If 'Winner' = C, spawn C objects, else spawn L objects
For rounds you could use more global variables or an array to store the winners.
In an array 1,0 would be round 1. 2,0 would be round 2.
With the array as size 1,1 you can push the winner C or L to the back of the array.
You could use that logic to display the winner C or L based on item pushed and link the X so 1,2,3 etc to the round display. The reason I mention arrays is because you can easily alter it in future if you want best of 5 whereas global variables would mean well more global variables and not really minimising code.
For number of wins, you can again use global vars or an array.
2 global vars Cwin and Lwin, if winner = C add 1 to Cwin else add 1 to Lwin
Or using an array you search for how many times C or L appears.
If Cwin = 2 then game end with C winner or if Lwin = 2 then game end with L winner, or using an aray if C found more than once then C = winner etc
At start of round set 'Winner' to ""