Set up ads with Facebook Instant Game

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$11.99 USD
[ C2 ] [ C3 ] support C3 build service | You can use Banner Ads, Interstitial Ads and Video Reward Ads.
  • Hey everyone I am trying to make a Facebook Instant Game and was wondering if anyone has any experience with implementing ads. I got ads to actually work in the game but how to I actually get credit for people watching the ads?

    Hope this makes sense lol.

  • 1. your ad setup needs to bee reviewed and verified OK. (this needs to be done! even if you can see your ads. You have to write a description to their team how to see the ad, and they will play your game to verify you use the ads in a good way. Then you can see if you are approved)

    2. your actual game needs to be reviewed and released.

    then you will need some (a lot!) of impressions/clicks, but you should start to see some revenue..

    You can see your statistics in the Monetization Manager.

    How you will receive any funds depends how you have set up your payment information.

  • Hey everyone I am trying to make a Facebook Instant Game and was wondering if anyone has any experience with implementing ads. I got ads to actually work in the game but how to I actually get credit for people watching the ads?

    Hope this makes sense lol.

    re you using Google Adsense's ads for this

  • Are you using Google Adsense's ads for this

    The instant games api has its own built-in ads.

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  • > Are you using Google Adsense's ads for this


    The instant games api has its own built-in ads.

    hich company is advertising? Admob, Adsense or Facebook? You are developing a game for Facebook. But what are you using for this ads? I do not understand this. Are Facebook sharing this ads for your game? So who is advertising? Your game is a HTML5 game, true? Or Facebook have a new system for games?

  • Facebook has its own ad system called Audience network, which you will add to your facebook Instant Game, via their API.

  • Facebook has its own ad system called Audience network, which you will add to your facebook Instant Game, via their API.

    How do I set up advertising? Is there anything I need to do in Construct 3? Or Facebook will set everything up automatically? Have you tutorial about it?

  • I know that you once you add facebook instant games into construct 3 you just load the ad then do a show ad.

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