Selecting and creating objects...

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  • Hi, I have a lot of trouble with events!

    I can't even do something that seems so simple:

    Every 1 second, take a random object, see if there's room around it (a square around it) and if so, change its color to indicate that it's been selected:

    - Change its color to red to indicate that it's been selected, wait 1 second, deselect the selected object and give it back its normal color, then create a new object on an empty square around it.

    And so on.

    Be careful, as long as the object has not been created, no other object will be selected, it's a block, the actions must be executed before re-selecting an object among those present and recreating one, I hope I've been clear enough.

    Here's my game that doesn't work:

  • 'Pick instance with UID Jaune.ID' this does nothing. Use a global variable instead of an instance variable to pick the object again in the second event. Set global variable to object.UID in the first event. Change to pick instance with UID - global variable in the second event.

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  • Thank you very much for your help, I had to reread several times to understand what you meant, now it works, here's how I did it:

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