When scrolling to NPC for dialogue it takes to clicks on the NPC to centre

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From the Asset Store
Fantasy RPG Human-NPC assets pack of 15 characters
  • So you click on npc to enter dialogue, then its the layout and scrolls to the npc.

    But for some reason its taking to clicks to Centre properly.

  • You may have misunderstood the sub event because you added an every tick, but because the top level is a trigger once click event it will trigger once. Because you toggle the variable in that same event it might not have changed by the time it gets to that condition. Probably you want to scroll the camera straight away anyway on click, not with a variable condition. Try moving the actions and condition up to the main section so it is one event.

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  • Thank you, you were right with changing orders. I thought in the action i would have to toggle the "IsSpeaking" boolean first or it would work. But it turns out i had to scroll to npc first before toggling it on.

    Seems weird that it would work like that. you'd think it wouldnt scroll

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