How do I Save Canvas Snapshot to Folder

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From the Asset Store
Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (Drawing Canvas based)
  • Quickly what I want to do is this.

    Take a snapshot of the canvas.

    Set AJAX Response to BinaryData

    Request CanvasSnapshot

    The above is all shown in the taking a screenshot example. What I want to do is:

    Create a new folder in the project under Files called screenshots.

    Save CanvasSnapshot to the above folder.


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    This will only work in a desktop game. In a browser game you don't need any of that, just use Browser Invoke Download CanvasSnapshot

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    This will only work in a desktop game. In a browser game you don't need any of that, just use Browser Invoke Download CanvasSnapshot

    Thanks, yes it has to be a browser. Doesn't the invoke download just make chrome download the image file? I need it actually saved on the server side. No interaction with the user, in fact they won't even know this is happening.

  • I'm not sure how to upload image to the server. You can't just save it, because the game is run locally on user's machine, not on your server. You'll probably need some PHP script which will actually write the file, but I don't know how to pass binary data to it. Try searching on stackoverflow

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