Run offline?

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  • Can you save the current web version to run offline from the desktop w/o an internet connection? If so, how? I tried saving a bookmark as suggested in the FAQ (see below) but it wouldn't work on my Mac.

    From FAQ:

    "Will Construct 3 work without an active internet connection?


    Once loaded Construct 3 will work even when you're offline. We recommend bookmarking the editor when you've loaded it. Turn off your computer, pull out the internet cable and visit the bookmark - it will continue to work and allow you to keep making your games!"

  • Start Construct 3 in web view, then click 'Customise and Control Google Chrome' (top right corner) ---> More Tools ---> Add to Desktop

    This will add a link to Construct 3 Chrome application.

  • Start Construct 3 in web view, then click 'Customise and Control Google Chrome' (top right corner) ---> More Tools ---> Add to Desktop

    This will add a link to Construct 3 Chrome application.

    On a Mac you simply highlight the full url in Chrome and drag it to the desktop. Amazing that it saves a version that can run without a network connection! Too simple.

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  • > Start Construct 3 in web view, then click 'Customise and Control Google Chrome' (top right corner) ---> More Tools ---> Add to Desktop


    > This will add a link to Construct 3 Chrome application.


    On a Mac you simply highlight the full url in Chrome and drag it to the desktop. Amazing that it saves a version that can run without a network connection! Too simple.

    Could you specify? It doesn't seem to work on OSX Sierra.

    If any mac users found a way to get a working offline app, I would love to know!

  • Note you need to open C3 and wait for a notification to appear in the corner saying C3 is ready to use offline. If you close it before then, it hasn't finished downloading everything it needs so won't work offline.

  • Could you specify? It doesn't seem to work on OSX Sierra.

    If any mac users found a way to get a working offline app, I would love to know!

    This is what i did :

  • Note you need to open C3 and wait for a notification to appear in the corner saying C3 is ready to use offline. If you close it before then, it hasn't finished downloading everything it needs so won't work offline.

    Where exactly does this notification show up? For me, while i'm able to run C3 offline, it keeps reverting back to the free version when ever I do.

  • It appears in the lower-left, like other notifications (e.g. undo/redo notifications). Currently accounts aren't supported offline, we're still working on that.

  • Currently accounts aren't supported offline, we're still working on that.

    Hope it gets working soon. At my work, i can't use my personal laptop on the government's VPN so during those free times of the day i won't be able to do any C3 stuff.....oh well.

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