How do I make a radial thumb control with seamless background infinite scrolled by offset?

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25 Homemade seamless jazzy seamless backgrounds for 2d scrolling or platform games
  • So my character is always at center and whole world is controlled by changing positions in relation to character + background is infinite sccrolled by .ImageOffsetX, .ImageOffsetY. Top down project. With WASD it was easy with somewhat >> Set Image X offset >> TiledBackground.ImageOffsetY + MySpeed * dt when press button.

    But my goal is to port to mobile with radial movement. I could easilly simulate WASD press by Radial Virtual Joystick, but I would preffer to use angle motion.

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  • Well. I will reply to myself here with google quotation.


    If your starting point is (0,0), and your new point is r units away at an angle of θ, you can find the coordinates of that point using the equations x = r cosθ and y = r sinθ


    So I will do just that reversed due to how tiled offset works.

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