What is the purpose of the pin behavior if objects must be immobile?

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Wall Pin Board is a hyper causal game developed for fun and inspired by YouTube video whose link is given in description
  • I've been searching for solutions for an object that is pinned to another object's image point not moving with the image point. All the answers I've found on the forum involve using a completely different behavior instead.

    I have to assume from these responses that the pin behavior is not supposed to function while objects are moving. But in this case, what is the purpose of the behavior at all? Aside from scaling the size of the pinned object to its parent, I don't understand what it could be used for, conceptually speaking, besides moving objects.


  • What? Pinned objects do move with the base object, that's the whole point.

    Perhaps you are confusing the advice not to use the pin behavior with physics?

  • In that case, I'm not really sure why so many people on the forum seem to suggest otherwise.

    I am encountering difficulties getting this to work. These are the relevant parts of my setup.

    As it stands, the "spike" objects appear as they should, but do not move with the platforms. All of the forum posts I've seen about this sort of thing suggest abandoning pin and using moveto instead, or else getting a third-party plugin to achieve the same behavior, so I am quite bewildered.

  • Make sure pinning executed once. If you are using boolean as condition, verify the boolean toggled state to false after pinning.

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  • The problem does seem to be that you're pinning every tick. Basically every time the position updates, you're resetting the pin to the new location, not letting pin do it's job.

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