[Project] Exception opening: Error: End of central directory not found

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  • Hi,

    I need help in resolving this issue, my project was working fine but suddenly it has stopped working and when I checked in console this error "main.js:904 [Project] Exception opening: Error: End of central directory not found" appeared. it gives me error "Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project." in construct 3. When I rename the extension and change it to .zip or .rar it gives me error that the archive is empty. I have done a > I love Construct 3!lot of work in this project and somehow I don't have any recent backups. can somebody please help me?

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  • That might be a bug that appeared in C3, I only encountered that once, I hope that is now fixed in the latest beta.

    To fix my project I followed this from Dop2000.

    Looks like some files in the project are missing or corrupted.

    Check the files mentioned in the console error messages, for example gg_anim-faling-000.png

    If this file exists, try opening/saving it with a program like Paint. Or try restoring it from older backups, or replace it with another file of similar resolution. See if it makes the error message in the console to go away. Do this for other files.

    I highly recommend you use Git on your project and commit every once in a while. This way you always have backup.

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