Problem with object creation and mirror

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From the Asset Store
This is a single chapter from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection". It is the Student Workbook for its Workshop.
  • I have a problem with creating elements and Mirror. I created a character selection screen, which generates a number in a global variable, and when Stage1 starts, it would take this number and create one of the characters from the "player" family accordingly, in the position (x,y) of an object stopped on the screen, which I called from "PlayerGenerator".

    This part works perfectly, but the created object COMPLETELY ignores the mirror command!

    Explaining, the characters are grouped in a family called "player", and their commands are all directed to the family, so that it works with any grouped element. If I place the character myself, before the game starts, the mirror works perfectly, the problem only happens when it is created by the game itself.

    Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?

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  • Ok, I found out that the problem was another one, already solved this problem, thanks.

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