Some moderator could look at this problem, I really do not know what to do.
Moderators are here to moderate the forums, they do not have all the technical answers to all the questions about Construct.
I'm like you, I do not know, you haven't provided an actual project in c3p so all we can go from is the screenshot you've posted.
In those conditions, the help and suggestions already provided in the topic are what you can expect.
I agree, support is bad - only users help users here...
The fact that users helps themselves out is pretty good, as there are far more users than moderators, so there is a better chance that a user might have an answer.
Valid answers and help was already provided, with an actual template of a user who does not encounter the same kind of issue you do apparently encounter.
Perhaps you should try to adapt your project to the template he offered.
If you want to get in touch with the support do send an email at which is the actual dedicated technical support for Construct.