Problem with Array. I PAY !

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From the Asset Store
Supports 1D, 2D, 3D arrays. Import and export arrays in JSON format
  • So I have the following problem and I've been struggling for about a week and I can't figure it out. I tried to look for several tutorials to follow several steps, they all lead to the same place. In principle, I want to create an array every time I press the blue, yellow or red button, then I set the animation of the respective block in the color I want, for example red.

    My problem: It does not create several blocks with the respective animation, but only one. I would like every time I click on blue to create a new array with the blue value and show it to me in the table/Inventory.

    I would also need to be able to sort the blocks once I succeed my first problem. for example, I want Red to always be first, then yellow and then blue.

    I hope I made myself understood, below I leave you some images and my file, for those who can help me I will pay a lot please. I will also leave the discord here. I've been struggling for a very long time and I don't know who to turn to. :(


    File :

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  • DISCORD : Madaraa#2700

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