Preview stopped working

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  • I never had this issue before but today the preview just stopped working.

    I was adding the lines and when testing this was working fine, then I added one function and one sprite and text object, and now when I press preview I have only a black screen. I've tried using Chrome as I'm normally working on Firefox, tried a remote preview, restarted the computer, and still have the same issue.

    I've even disabled the lines I've added but this didn't change anything.

    Also after I close the preview window when I press anything like object, layout, or event sheet nothing is happening as well, it's like it is all frozen. But when I load a very old version of the same project the preview is fine and working.

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  • I found out that it had something with a loop. When I disable it the issue is still here but when I delete it completely it it working fine. At least I don't have to worry that I lost entire project. But I was thinking that when I disable it it should have the same effect.

  • Before an incorrect loop would cause C3 to crash, with any unsaved work being lost. Now the preview will just hang black and not load which is much better IMO.

    If you can't work out which parts of your new code have caused the issue, toggle disable each new section to figure out which is causing the issue

  • Hi, yes, I think the preview not working is much much better than losing the entire project.

    But as I said in my post before I've disabled this part of the code as well and the issue with the preview happened again, that's why I was surprised when discovered that you have to delete the lines, not only disable them.

    It might be a separate case of course and with most situations disable will be working fine I suppose.

    But it scared me a lot as I would have to put in a lot of work again basically recreating much logic.

    Luckily I managed to discover my mistake and correct it but as you said, we can be thankful to the authors for correcting this issue and not to have to lose a whole project. Construct 3 is better and better.

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