Preview black screen when using high resolution with 3D objects

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  • I am creating a 3D first person game and am having issues with only a black screen showing when I try to preview my game while using high resolution textures (I have not had this issue before, likely due to me using only 16x16 textures for the 3D objects).

    I use two devices to develop my game; one a Chromebook and the other an Alienware 15 (a powerful computer although it's close to 10 years old). When I try to preview the game on my Chromebook, the framerate is low but the game can still be previewed whilst when using the Alienware, only when the textures are high resolution the screen is black. I tried to use remote preview on the Alienware, but the results are the same.

    Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Is there a specific resolution that the computer is unable to preview with? If it matters, the textures were downloaded on the Chomebook.


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  • I attempted to preview another file I had for my game that had the 16x16 textures that I had kept in case I decided not to replace my textures. Unexpectedly, I had the same issue. Here is a screenshot of it, note that I have the paid version of Construct 3.

    I am able to preview other games, even 3D ones, however they are smaller games. I also forgot to mention that there is no audio, and it does not work in all preview types.

  • Press F12 and check the browser console for any error messages.

    Device-specific issues tend to be graphics driver problems, so try also checking for any system software updates or driver updates.

  • Thank you very much. I used F12 and found an error message a few days ago but was able to fix the issue after removing an addon that caused it.

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