Prevent screen from resizing on mobile when keyboard appears?

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  • I was searching through this forum and it seems there has been no proper answer for many years.

    Is it true or maybe with the new updates, there is a way to put the appearing keyboard on top of the app/game instead of changing the size?

  • I found quite a good solution, at least I've tested it on my Android device and it's not rescaling anything, it is just moving slightly up the whole screen but the size is staying the same so it's much better than before. And when the keyboard is disappearing it's coming back down to the original position.

    Here is the code if anyone would need it:

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  • Some time ago I spent a while updating this and mobile devices should no longer resize the window when the virtual keyboard appears - it should instead be shifting the display upwards or just overlaying the keyboard, not resizing the view. I just checked with Remote Preview on my Android phone and it is indeed working like that for me.

  • Hmmm ๐Ÿค” maybe it's the last update then, not me ๐Ÿ˜

    It has to be big coincidence that it's not resizing now but it's possible that I've done update of Construct.

    I will remove these lines and check it. But of course a big thank you for your continued support updating software so often and adding so many things plus removing all the bugs ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • Some time ago I spent a while updating this and mobile devices should no longer resize the window when the virtual keyboard appears - it should instead be shifting the display upwards or just overlaying the keyboard, not resizing the view. I just checked with Remote Preview on my Android phone and it is indeed working like that for me.

    Yes, I can confirm now, it is working now after the last update of the software.

    Thank you very much for that, it's working much better now.

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