How do I prevent my games from being stolen?

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  • Hi there,

    My games are often being stolen and published on a bunch of websites. They are also being uploaded to different markets where they are being sold.

    I upload my games to and prevent them from being downloaded so you can only play the games in browser. How do they manage to steal my games if they can't download the files? I don't minify the scripts, will it help if I do so?

    Thanks in advance,

    Tommy / Tomolo Games

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  • There are many ways to do this, including securing the files themselves (tricky), or just making your game not run unless it's hosted where it's meant to be hosted.

    For example, you could use the Browser object to see where the game is currently being run. Set something like this in your first layout:

    If System: Browser.URL = "" then load up the game. Otherwise just don't do anything (or show the user a message).

    And definitely minify your code!

    Anything can be spoofed/hacked/circumvented. I remember releasing a Unity game on Steam and literally that same day it was on the torrents. Sadly there are always going to be thieves :(

  • GeoffB - A thousand thanks, I will try that immediately :)

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