How do I prevent ButtonSelect from creating more of itself? I only need 1

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  • You need to add a trigger once or a variable:


    Cursor is over "NewGameButton":
    -------Subevent: Trigger once -------------Action: Create Button
    Else: ---------------------------------------Action: Destroy Button
  • tarek2 you're the best

  • How do I do this for multiple buttons? When I try the same events with another button, it only appears for one frame?

  • How do I do this for multiple buttons? When I try the same events with another button, it only appears for one frame?

    The trigger once will only work well with just one object.

    You will need to use instead a variable to make it work for each object individually.

    The questions here to solve are:

    1-If you have multiple objects and you stop overlapping just one of them what happens? are you destroying all the buttons? because you are still overlapping the other one.

    2-If each "NewGameButton" spawns a "ButtonSelect" and has to be linked to that specific button so only he can destroy it, then you will need something to link them like a variable or Hierarchy so when you need to destroy it you can easily pick the right one.

    If you give a bit more info of what is your goal it will be easier to give you the correct answer.

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