How do I prevent my animations from stopping?

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From the Asset Store
3 pixel charaters with over 8 animations each + animations with a gun
  • I'm currently working on reworking my boss's statemachine, and everything is going alright- except for the fact that sometimes it breaks entirely whenever any of it's animations are paused- while that shouldn't be an issue, as i don't have any events that are pausing animations (I've triple checked), it is still doing it. this breaks most of the boss's logic, as at the moment each state is intrinsically linked to animations. if I manually trigger any of the states, they have no issues (except groundslam but that's only because if I cancel it into another state, the behavior for the spikes is a substate for the the groundslam behavior, so its instantly canceled, but that's not an issue as groundslam cannot be canceled except manually)

    (I'm unsure how to add a file to this post so here's a bunch of screenshots)


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  • You should be able to just go into the animations that are problematic in the sprite editor, then check the "animation repeats." This should make it so that the animation loops rather than stopping when it is finished.

  • oh, i mean loop

  • None of my animations are loops, they all have "on animation finished" triggers to have them go into the next part of the animation (as they are broken down into subanimations, i'll show)

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