How do I preload music so it plays without delay?

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In this template the music plays without looping in your game
  • Hello,

    I'm making a ryhtm based game so the music starting exactly on layout load is very important to me.

    I realize that there is "preload" for music as an action, however it seems like that does not help.

    I am currently preloading music on the main menu yet when the player enters a level the music can sometimes have a delay.

    Any clues what could be done?

  • You can try leaving yourself a bit of a buffer. Set a timer to run on start of layout, and sync everything else to when the timer completes after a few seconds.

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  • put your music files in the sound folder. and set your project to preload sounds

  • You can try leaving yourself a bit of a buffer. Set a timer to run on start of layout, and sync everything else to when the timer completes after a few seconds.

    How could I know how much time is needed for each load to happen? I mean I can't just eyeball this since all machines are different right?

    put your music files in the sound folder. and set your project to preload sounds

    This would mean that it changes the load time for the game right?

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