Is it possible to use a variable for "Set animation"?

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  • I have a sprite that has 10 animations (labeled 1-10) and I want the game to pick the animation based on an Instance variable so if the variable is set to 5 the animation it will play is the one labeled 5.

    Is this possible or do I need to create 10 "If instance variable = X then set animation to X" events?

  • Yes it is possible to play animation based on variable value. Make sure to use str to call the animation.

    For example:

    + System: Trigger once

    -> Sprite: Set animation to str(Self.num) (play from beginning)

  • Yes it is possible to play animation based on variable value. Make sure to use str to call the animation.

    For example:

    + System: Trigger once

    -> Sprite: Set animation to str(Self.num) (play from beginning)

    Thank you, I was missing the str() portion. :)

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  • str(char1.HP). Just FYI in Construct 2 user can't rename animation to just a number while in C3 it is permissible. So in C2 the name with number must followed by alphabet for instance 1a, 2Big, etc.

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