Is it possible to call a function from a timeline?

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Voice call plugin based on webrtc protocol for construct 3
  • I want to call a Construct 3 function from a timeline. The thing I'm trying to achieve is this:

    I have a timeline which shows a series of sprites and other animations. At certain points in this timeline, I want to play an audio (which changes based on the sprite). I'm playing audio file in timeline directly right now which is like hardcoding the audio file. So, I need some way to reference different audio files here based on an input. Is it possible with timelines?

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  • Give a keyframe a unique tag, and then use the Timeline Controller 'On keyframe reached' trigger to run some actions when the timeline reaches that keyframe.

  • Give a keyframe a unique tag, and then use the Timeline Controller 'On keyframe reached' trigger to run some actions when the timeline reaches that keyframe.

    Thanks. I'll try that. What I ended up doing was use a boolean instance variable, set it to true in the timeline where desired and have it trigger the function in eventsheet (with trigger once while true condition).

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