How do I Position object on canvas snapshot?

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From the Asset Store
Pixel Destruction like in "Worms" (Drawing Canvas based)
  • I am taking a snapshot of the canvas and downloading as a png. Everything works BUT the "title" on the screenshot is out of position. It is hard-placed 100 pixels from the left edge of the canvas and viewport (with a 0% x 0% parallax, so it wont move in app). I tried adding the position code as seen in the pict attached, but nothing seems to work. It always appears about 300 pixels to the right (X) of its original position. How do I get it on the screen shot where it actually appears in the app (100 px from the left edge)?


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  • Solved it - Sorry, but still would like to know a simpler solution. SOLUTION: I eliminated the set X and replaced it with "place on layer" - I put it on a layer "CARDS" that the cards were placed on.

    I could not place it on the "CARDS" layer original because it scrolls (100% x 100% parallax)and I want the title to stay static (0% x 0% parallax).

    Any better solutions are welcome.

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