Please, Pleeeeeeaaaaase help me (corrupt files)

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  • So, I've been working on a new project for some days now, and after I figured out how to make it multiplayer (which was a first time for me), I decided to delete all my trash code and rewrite it properly this time. I then backed up my project and started to rewrite and make everything more polished. Some minutes ago, I saved my project and I think I closed construct while saving, and then it was gone. I hope someone with a deeper understanding of how construct projects work can help me out. I've tried pressing F12 and checking the errors, but I can't understand all of it. I tried replacing some of my project files with ones from the backup according to the errors I found in the log, but some were new, so they don't exist in the previous version, and also there are some errors that I just can't understand. I'll link the corrupted and backup files down below, and I'll never be able to thank you enough if you can fix this or point me in the right direction. Please help me.

    Current version (corrupted):

    Backup (kinda old and outdated):

    A cp3 file that I saved to after the old backup:

  • I don't think you'll have any luck with these files, especialy since you swapped files :\

    Another approach, using windows 10 (+) ? folder revision active ? right click a folder, and check the tab previous versions ... with a little luck you can find a version that works.

  • I backed it up before swapping, I didn't touch the files I uploaded here.

    The last version on windows is from 2 days ago.

    Anyway, thank you for trying to help.

  • Took a look at the files from the 3 packages, in the most recent, most of the uistate files are dead .. (full of NULLNULL etc) and in objects quite a few of the same cases with the json files. Sadly, some of those json files (from objects) do no exist in the former back ups ....

    In all honsty ... looks like a lost cause trying to "retrieve" the events and states.

    From here, personally, I'd dive straight in and rebuild in a new file ....

  • Yeah, thank you, guess I'll quit grieving and get back to work.

  • ZeldaVerde

    I know it's been 5 days, so you've probably already moved on, but if you save to Google drive, you can right click on the file and then click Manage Versions and then click an earlier version of the file.

    So if you're like me, and hit ctrl + S every 5 seconds, you may have hours of work backed up. If you right click the file in the G Drive (not in construct) and click 'Manage Versions' you will see a list of versions of that file. It's like going back in time one save at a time.

    Good luck

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  • ZeldaVerde

    I know it's been 5 days, so you've probably already moved on, but if you save to Google drive, you can right click on the file and then click Manage Versions and then click an earlier version of the file.

    So if you're like me, and hit ctrl + S every 5 seconds, you may have hours of work backed up. If you right click the file in the G Drive (not in construct) and click 'Manage Versions' you will see a list of versions of that file. It's like going back in time one save at a time.

    Good luck


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