How do I Pick one at a time?

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  • Is it possible to pick one at a time? Using pick instances, I can't seem to find an option that would pick one at a time.

    further details

    Im using pathfinding and have units selected. I want units to go to the destination and 1 at a time collect the object

  • Not sure if I understand your question. There are events that are picking just one instance, for example: Pick nearest/furthest, Pick Top/Bottom, System Pick Nth instance, System Pick Random.

    You can also use System For Each loop.

  • thanks for the reply!

    Ok so lets say we have 2 {characters} and a {crystal}

    When both characters overlap {crystal}, the {crystal} gives {character} 1 point.

    But even though they're both overlapping {crystal} I only want it to give a point to the first one that reached the {crystal}.

    When the first character leaves {crystal}, the next random {character} overlapping crystal start receiving points.

    Is it possible to make them receive points one at a time?

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  • "Is overlapping" condition will pick both instances. But you can add other conditions or sub-events, where you can pick one instance among them. You can use conditions like Pick random, or Pick nearest to the crystal.

    If you want to remember which character was first to find this crystal and pick it, it's a bit more difficult. I made a demo:

  • Nice! Thx man! Works perfectly!!

  • "Is overlapping" condition will pick both instances. But you can add other conditions or sub-events, where you can pick one instance among them. You can use conditions like Pick random, or Pick nearest to the crystal.

    If you want to remember which character was first to find this crystal and pick it, it's a bit more difficult. I made a demo:

    how about if i have more then 1 crystal?

  • nevermind I got it! Thanks again!

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