Personal information in exported C3 game

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  • Instead of hosting my game, I'm planning to export my game to desktop (Windows and Mac using the WebView options) and make it available for download. Out of an abundance of security, I want to eliminate any personal information in the files - my computer's IP, my name and address, gps locations, system info, etc. I don't have any of this information in my C3 code, but I know that some files (e.g., .jpg files from a digital camera) contain additional metadata that may include this personal info. I admit I don't know if/how Windows stores such info.

    Is there anything I should be doing to make sure the files I publish (the C3 export) don't include any personal information?


  • There will be a C3 game id, but other that that there shouldn't be anything extra.

    Also the metadata from images will most likely be lost when the sprite sheeting is done.

    Now the options like a digital signature would obviously add some tracking, but that's necessary if you want to avoid security prompts. No idea on installers.

  • Now the options like a digital signature would obviously add some tracking...

    Thanks for the feedback, makes me feel better. Just to make sure I'm understanding you, are digital signatures only relevant if the game is hosted?

  • Hosting has zero to do with it.

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  • I guess I'm not understanding how digital signatures all involved, and what I need to do there. Can you please help me understand how they're related to what I'm looking to do? I searched in the forums but the only posts I found re: digital signatures had to do with problems installing the C3 editor. Thanks, sorry for being such a noob.

  • Desktop exports don't have anything to do with hosting, unless you are talking about the distribution method.

  • Digital signatures are only necessary if you want to securely verify a desktop app comes from you, the developer, which does affect the kinds of security warnings the system shows. This is covered in Exporting to Windows WebView2. There's a similar process called notarization for macOS, which I believe is now mandatory. In both cases only information you opt in to sharing will be included in the digital signature. That all happens outside of Construct though. In terms of what Construct exports, only things you deliberately enter in to the project, such as typing your name in the "Author" field of project properties, will be included in an exported project.

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